Dogz N The Hood
7-2236 Trinity St, Vancouver BC V5L 1C1
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Calm and assertive. These two words describe the approach Jana Shiskin takes with the dogs she cares for through Dogz N The Hood. They’re also the words used by dog whisperer and expert dog behaviourist Cesar Milan, a man whose methodology Jana admires.

“Cesar Milan is an amazing man,” she says, “but he’s definitely not a magician…He really gets his animal psychology. He spent a lot of time around animals, studying their behaviour, and how they react when stressed, when dealing with aggression, when feeling fearful.”

Jana has adopted the same approach Cesar does with animals. “It’s getting a read on the animal through their other body language…You can teach them word cues, but they’re looking to your body to know what it is you want them to do.”

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