North America
Since 1990

Established in 1990 with a sizeable service list to fit any need. We pride ourselves on delivering high quality work in Canada to help you achieve your goals.

Illustration of a suited up sandblaster

Our Services

sandblasting icon

Sandblasting & Painting

sprayfoam icon

Spray Foam Insulation

concrete icon

Concrete Repair & Restoration

confined entry icon

Confined Space Entry & Rescue

shotcrete icon


plural component icon

Plural Component

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welding icon

Welding & Mobile Welding Services

other services icon

Other Services

Want To See Us In Action?

We have lots of videos of us on the job. Click the button below to see more of our services in action!

Interested In Working Together?

As you see Darran Green offers a wide range of services to ensure that no matter the task at hand, we can take care of it.
51 Billy Brews Road, Deseronto, ON
(613) 396-6639
