Featured Products
Unlocking Service for all Fortus® Machines - All Material Options
Foundation Sheets for Fortus 900mc/F900+®, Pack of 10, like OEM P/N# 325-00300 SAVE 25%, use for ABS, ASA, PC/ABS and PC
ASA spools 92.3 (Cu in) for Fortus 360/380/400/450/900/F900+® with eeprom chip matching OEM PN# 311-21x00 or 355-0214x, Save 39%!
Tip Purge / Cleaning Filament
Replacement Envelope Bulb Fortus 360, 400mc - 1 Pack or 1/4 of OEM PN 310-02000
Brush for Fortus® (T Class) Tips Compatible with OEM PN# 511-00200
Fortus® Compatible Tip Wipe Flicker Replacements, 8 Pack, like OEM PN# 511-00300
ABS P430XL for uPrint SE® & uPrint SE Plus® 56 (cu in) Spool with DRD chip, like OEM 345-4210x (Black, White, D. Gray, Gray, Natural, Blue, Red, Yellow, Orange) Save 22% plus get 33% more filament
Fortus Ultem® 9085 Natural 92.3ci for 400/450/900/F900+® with Classic or Plus eeprom chip
Customer Reviews
We actually like your material better, the parts came out smoother.

We never had any problems. We love the stuff. We want to buy all our material from you.

I'm very pleased with the material. It works great in the machine and the black looks awesome. I'm extremely happy with how it's worked out.

We like your material better than Stratasys® material. It has a better surface finish and we think it’s quite a bit stronger than Stratasys® material.

All is well. In fact I’ve accumulated enough eeproms to exchange for a roll of material. Yeehaa!

We recently just got our first order of black filament from you for use on our uPrint SE+ and it seems to be working great. Good job!

We actually like your material better, the parts came out smoother.

We never had any problems. We love the stuff. We want to buy all our material from you.

I'm very pleased with the material. It works great in the machine and the black looks awesome. I'm extremely happy with how it's worked out.

We like your material better than Stratasys® material. It has a better surface finish and we think it’s quite a bit stronger than Stratasys® material.

All is well. In fact I’ve accumulated enough eeproms to exchange for a roll of material. Yeehaa!

We recently just got our first order of black filament from you for use on our uPrint SE+ and it seems to be working great. Good job!

We actually like your material better, the parts came out smoother.

We never had any problems. We love the stuff. We want to buy all our material from you.

How Do You Refill an OEM Canister?