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3 healthy ways to deal with stress

30 juin 2015

Stress-related illness accounts for millions of days of annual sick leave, so anything that reduces stress is not only good for you, but also good for the economy. Here are 3 approaches that you can try to reduce stress.

3 healthy ways to deal with stress

1. Think positive

This technique is used by cognitive behavioural psychologists to help people think more positively. It can be very effective if practiced regularly.

  • Bring to mind a situation that is generating negative thoughts. As the thought enters your mind, think or say a sharp "Stop!" The thought will disappear, along with any accompanying emotions.
  • Next, replace the negative thought with a positive or calming thought.
  • To prepare, write down everything that's worrying you and come up with positive thoughts to replace these ones.
  • Monitor your thoughts and whenever the negative ones start forming, follow the same process: mentally say a sharp "Stop!" and choose to think the corresponding positive thought.

2. Meditate

Meditation can help to neutralize stress, stimulate the immune system, and improve memory and mental function.

  • Natural therapies such as meditation aim to heal the whole person, not just the symptom.
  • Many people believe that these therapies offer less intrusive ways to treat illness, are better at treating stress-related problems and have fewer side effects than using conventional drugs. Consider whether such treatments are for you.

3. Find a natural therapist

Natural therapists may be able to help you deal with stress without resorting to conventional medication. If you choose to seek out a natural therapist, keep the following tips in mind.

  • Go through the relevant practitioner body. This will change depending on where you live.
  • Ask your therapist to list his or her qualifications if you have any concerns. These credentials can normally be verified with the relevant practitioner body.
  • Check the price up front. It can vary per session, depending on the therapy and time involved. Again, the practitioner body can suggest a reasonable price range. The initial consultation is often longer and more expensive than the normal charge, as it involves taking a detailed case history.
  • Avoid any therapist who suggests that you stop taking conventional medication or who promises results that sound unrealistic.
  • Don't stop taking any prescribed medication without consulting your doctor. If you have any worrying symptoms after seeing a natural therapist, talk to your doctor.

Don't let stress manage your life – instead, adopt a proactive approach to managing your stress in a healthy way.

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