Using simple techniques and inexpensive, readily available materials, you can practice one of the most ancient and satisfying of all crafts by making your own personalized writing and wrapping paper. Here are some tips to get you started.
29 juillet 2015
Using simple techniques and inexpensive, readily available materials, you can practice one of the most ancient and satisfying of all crafts by making your own personalized writing and wrapping paper. Here are some tips to get you started.
Paper is said to have been invented in 105 AD by a Chinese courtier, Cai Lun, who employed a process that has remained unchanged in principle to the present day.Cai Lun discovered that when raw materials containing cellulose are beaten and suspended in water, the resulting pulp can be formed into a sheet on a screen and then pressed and dried.
Because the papermaking process is such a simple one, there is great scope for home experimentation.
The most specialized pieces of equipment needed for papermaking are a mould and deckle, both of which can be bought from craft shops or else are easily made.
When recycling paper, remember that the better the waste paper is, the better the finished product will be.
Papermaking is a unique hobby that doesn't require a lot of time or money. Give it a try with these easy tips!
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