Keeping bees is a fun hobby that has the added benefit of supplying you with your own delicious honey. These suggestions will help you properly set up your hive and avoid those nasty stings.
29 juillet 2015
Keeping bees is a fun hobby that has the added benefit of supplying you with your own delicious honey. These suggestions will help you properly set up your hive and avoid those nasty stings.
Getting started doesn't take much effort but some decisions are better than others. Here are suggestions to take the most advantage of your new hive.
Being a beekeeper isn't without its risks, but remember bees sting only when they are feeling threatened. You can go sting free with the proper care and attention.
When a bee stings, its barbed stinger is trapped in the skin and is torn loose when the bee escapes (and later dies). The venom sac remains attached to the stinger and pumps poison into the wound. Here's the proper procedure to remove the stinger.
It isn't hard to set up your own bee hive but the practice of beekeeping takes time to master. Follow these guidelines and you should be tasting your backyard honey in no time.
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