A balcony garden works well if you love to garden but have limited space. Although you might think you can only keep flowers in a balcony garden, various other plants – including edibles – can be grown. Here are some important factors to consider.
29 juillet 2015
A balcony garden works well if you love to garden but have limited space. Although you might think you can only keep flowers in a balcony garden, various other plants – including edibles – can be grown. Here are some important factors to consider.
[Image Credit: iStock.com/ChiccoDodiFC]
The best way to grow produce on a balcony is in containers, but there a few things you should know beforehand.
When planning a balcony garden, consider the size and weight of the containers, which can be very heavy once filled with soil or potting mixture. Will your balcony be able to support the extra weight? What's more:
Containers for growing herbs and vegetables must suit the plants they host.
Regardless of what you plant, all containers on a balcony should stand in a drip tray.
The right potting mixture is vital because it will be the only source of nutrients for your plants.
Before filling a container with potting mixture, it's imperative that you first:
Now you are ready to plant.
Herbs and vegetables don't need a lot of room to grow, which is why a balcony can be the perfect space to plant and harvest your own "farm-fresh" crop.
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