A bad place to live in
I used to live there for more than 2 years, during this time, I found that the mangers don’t return the half month deposit paid when you occupied the apartment, they always complain about the cleaning of the suit even if you get provisional people to clean it, the do that for every body to get as much money out of the deposit as they can, on the other hand, when you move in , you will find the apartment in a bad cleaning condition, they just take the money without doing any cleaning, it happen to every body I know who used to live in this complex - The heating in all the building is very bad, you feel cold all the time even if you turn the heater to the maximum - The laundry is not in all buildings, you need to take your laundry to the next building if you are not lucky to have it in your building, they don’t let you know that before you take the apartment - It takes them many months to fix any broken machine in the laundry room - They never show the facility like the laundry room , Byck room and the pool when you move in, you just have to guess where they are - You have to pay to much for them to have a professional cleaners for the blinds - I don’t recommend any body to live there and deal with the current management